1st Year
BSN 101: Anatomy and Physiology
BSN 102: Biochemistry
BSN 103: Microbiology/Parasitology
BSN 104: Pathophysiology
BSN 105: Pharmacology
BSN 106: Nutrition and Dietetics
BSN 107: Foundation of Nursing
BSN 108: Community Health Nursing
Below is the detailed P.U (Purb) B.Sc. Nursing Syllabus.
2nd Year
BSN 201: Nursing Concept and Theory
BSN 202: Medical Surgical Nursing I
BSN 203: Medical Surgical Nursing II ( EENT, OT, Oncho,
Emergency Nursing)
BSN 204: Mental Health Nursing
BSN 205: Community Health Nursing II
BSN 206: Medical Sociology/Anthropology
Below is the detailed P.U (Purb) B.Sc. Nursing Syllabus.
3rd Year
BSN 301: Child Health Nursing
BSN 302: Obstetric Nursing I ( Midwifery)
BSN 303: Obstetric Nursing II ( Midwifery)
BSN 304: Obstetric Nursing III ( Postnatal & Gynae
BSN 305: Community Health Nursing II
Below is the detailed P.U (Purb) B.Sc. Nursing Syllabus.
4th Year
BSN 401: Nursing Research and Biostatistics
BSN 402: Educational Science
BSN 403: Leadership and Management
BSN 404: Medical Surgical Nursing (Advance Practice)
Scope and Career Prospects
In general, the graduates are able to carry out the responsibilities of various
health institutions such as basic Level Investigator, Straight Care Provider.
Upon the completion of this program, the graduates can pursue their
education anywhere in Nepal or foreign countries.